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Pitch Wars Showcase

Please note: These are the entries for the Pitch Wars season beginning in 2021 and continuing through 2022. Please note that our Agent Showcase ends at 9:00 p.m. ET on Monday, February 14, 2022. Agents will not be able to leave comments requesting material after that time.
Adult #10: ROBBER BARRONS (Sci-Fi Space Opera)
Nanci Schwartz
Mentored by:
Paris Wynters
Book Title:
2018 Adult Entries
Science Fiction (Space Opera)
Word Count:


CAPTAIN AMERICA meets ROGUE ONE: Victoria, a genetically-enhanced human, is pursued across the Colonies by bounty hunters out for a sample of her blood and government agents wanting to make her a political pawn. To escape capture, she joins her uncle’s salvage crew and begins to uncover the truth about her supersoldier father’s disappearance. But solving the mystery could lead to another interstellar war—with Victoria and her estranged mother fighting on opposite sides.



Victoria spotted the bounty hunters as soon as she stepped off the ramp of the short-range freighter she’d been inspecting. Her heart raced, Mahjin abilities kicking in like adrenaline. At a hundred meters away, separated by two docking bays cluttered with lifters and the buzz of refueling equipment heavy in the air, a normal human couldn’t eavesdrop or read the bounty hunters’ datapads without military-grade surveillance equipment. But Victoria Anetti wasn’t a normal human.

The pair of bounty hunters faced a starship captain. The woman, who was almost two meters tall and might last a round against a Mahjin, projected Victoria’s graduation picture from her hand-held datapad. In the two years since the picture was taken Victoria had cut and bleached her long black hair, gained muscle tone from working on starships, and her golden-brown skin had darkened from time spent outside in spaceports. The only thing that remained the same was her insincere smile. No disguise could change that.

The male bounty hunter, almost a head shorter than his partner but just as muscular, stepped toward the captain. “Seen this woman?”

Even with enhanced hearing, Victoria strained to determine if his accent was Caishen or Terran. Here in the Outer Colonies, he was a long way from either nation.

He rested his hand on his blaster. “Heard she’s working as a port mechanic.”

Oh, fuck.

9 responses to “Adult #10: ROBBER BARRONS (Sci-Fi Space Opera)”

  1. Lauren Spieller says:

    Congratulations on completing Pitch Wars! I’d love to keep reading. Please send your query in the body of an email, plus your full manuscript and a synopsis (attached). I look forward to reading!

    Lauren Spieller
    TriadaUS Literary Agency

  2. Kat Enright says:

    Okay, you had me at Captain America. Can you please send me the query, synopsis, and full to kat@theseymouragency,com?

    P.S. If more than one agent at the Seymour Agency requests this, please only send to one of us! Best of luck.

  3. Nanci,

    I love Victoria’s reaction at the end of the sample. I’m hooked! Can you send me the full and a synopsis (2-4 pages)? Please use Times New Roman, size 12, black, double-spaced text, 1” margins all around, and ½” paragraph indents. Attach the manuscript and synopsis as two separate Word documents (docx). Sent to: lynnette (at) theseymouragency (dot) com and add “Pitch Wars Request” along with your title in the subject line. Thanks.

    If more than one agent from The Seymour Agency likes your entry, please send requested material to the agent you feel will be the best fit. #OneAgentAtATime

    Looking forward to reading more.



  4. Quressa Robinson says:

    Hi Nanci,

    Congrats on making it through the editing rounds with your mentor! I’ve been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to check out everyones showcase samples. Based on what I’ve read so far, I’d love to see more. Please query me at this link (QueryMe.online/QueryQuressa/PitchWars2019) and follow the directions. If more than one NLA agent requests work from you it is okay to query more than one of us, just give us a heads-up. Good luck!


  5. Ginger Clark says:

    Hi, I would love to see this. Please send the full manuscript as an attachment (a PDF, RTF, or Word Document is fine) to my email address which is gc@cbltd.com . Please include “Pitchwars 2019 Request” in the subject line. Thank you very much.

  6. Margaret Bail says:

    Hi! Please send a query, a brief synopsis, and the full manuscript as a .doc or .docx document to: margaret@fuseliterary.com. Be sure to include #pitchwars in the subject line. I look forward to reading this!


  7. Brady McReynolds says:

    Hey this looks like it could be right for me. Could you please send me a 50-page partial via email to brady@awfulagent.com, with “Pitch Wars request” in the subject line?


  8. Hillary Jacobson says:

    Hi Nanci,

    Your pitch has caught the eye of my brilliant colleague Tamara Kawar. She would love to read. Please do send the full manuscript as a word document to tkawar@icmpartners.com.

    My best,


  9. Weronika Janczuk says:

    Please send to weronika@d4eo.com:
    + query letter in email body
    + Word .doc with first 50-75 pages
    + subject line, PARTIAL REQUEST – PITCH WARS – TITLE