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Pitch Wars Showcase

Please note: These are the entries for the Pitch Wars season beginning in 2021 and continuing through 2022. Please note that our Agent Showcase ends at 9:00 p.m. ET on Monday, February 14, 2022. Agents will not be able to leave comments requesting material after that time.
PW2020 Adult #15: ENTHEÓPHAGE (Science fiction)
Drema Deòraich
Mentored by:
Anna Kaling
Book Title:
2020 Adult Entries
Science fiction
Word Count:
Manuscript Content Warning(s):
Mentions of child death


Isobel desecrates the last pristine reef to create a treatment for her son's rare genetic disorder.
Luk's daughter contracts a bizarre new virus that leaves her screaming.
When the virus strikes children worldwide, CDC researcher Nadine uncovers the truth.

The children aren't sick. They're changing.



Isobel cursed. South Pacific sun stabbed her eyes into a squint and she slapped shades on her face as she headed for the launch through air so salty she could taste its tang in the back of her throat. Travis, her crew liaison, looked up at her approach.

“Doctor Fallon. You ready to go?”

“Yes.” Isobel rubbed sunscreen onto the fair skin of her arms. “Tell the divers to get started while we’re gone.”

Travis peered at her. “We aren’t supposed to approach the reef until the Nlaantu give their final permission. It took a lot of wrangling to get them to agree to this meet. If they find out you jumped the gun, they might send us packing.”

Isobel grunted. “Picky, are they?”

“Something like that.”

Whatever. Gabe needed that coral. The medicine it would create. Isobel wasn’t leaving here without it.

She stepped toward the starboard railing and peered out across the water. The Nlaan island chain—a string of atolls, ring-shaped islands formed by reefs atop dormant undersea volcanoes—stretched beyond what she could see from this perspective. The closest one, in the distance off the Pasteur’s starboard side, held their potential harvest site.

A narrow cay breached the Pacific’s surface on the atoll’s curve. Seabirds gathered there or flew overhead. Must be good hunting. She pointed and turned to Travis.

“That’s our target?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“And where is the island where we’re meeting with the Nlaantu leaders?”

Travis came to stand beside her. “You see that bigger island past the sand bar?”

4 responses to “PW2020 Adult #15: ENTHEÓPHAGE (Science fiction)”

  1. Sharon Pelletier says:

    Hi Drema, I’d like to read more! Could you please send your query and the first 50 pages?
    I’m with Dystel, Goderich & Bourret – if others here request, just choose who you think is the best fit and mention who else requested when you send to them.
    -Sharon Pelletier

  2. Cortney Radocaj says:

    Hi Drema,

    I love your pitch and sample!! Could you please submit your query, synopsis, and first 50 pages to my Query Manager?


    Please mention this is a PitchWars request at the beginning of the query, or in the referral section of the form. If another Belcastro agent requests, please make sure to only submit to one of us (we’re good at sharing!).

    I look forward to seeing your pages!!


    Cortney Radocaj
    Literary Agent
    Belcastro Agency

  3. Mollie Glick says:

    Hi Drema, I’d love to read this! Please send your full manuscript, query and synopsis via email to mollie.glickasst@caa.com with “Pitch Wars Requested Submission” in the subject line. Please let me know if you are submitting to more than one agent at CAA.

  4. Elle Thompson says:

    Hi! I’d be very interested in reading this in full. If you could please submit your work to elle@triadaus.com with the email header “PITCH WARS: [Title]”, the query pitch, and the full MS attached in .doc format, I’d be very appreciative. If another agent from TriadaUS has requested your manuscript, please submit to each of us–we will sort it out on our end. Thank you so much!