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Pitch Wars Showcase

Please note: These are the entries for the Pitch Wars season beginning in 2021 and continuing through 2022. Please note that our Agent Showcase ends at 9:00 p.m. ET on Monday, February 14, 2022. Agents will not be able to leave comments requesting material after that time.
PW2021 YA #36: DIVINE RUIN (Romantic Fantasy)
Abbey Brabazon
Book Title:
Young Adult
Romantic Fantasy
Word Count:
Manuscript Content Warning(s):
Kidnapping, Blood/Burns, Violence, Manipulation via Magic, and Torture


Beautiful, dangerous socialite Antonia plans to carve out her heart in exchange for Aphrodite's help finding true love. The goddess is pleased with her sacrifice, and Antonia is soon engaged to a prince. But then she falls in love with the wrong person—the prince’s guard—and risks Aphrodite's wrath.




A bowl made of mother-of-pearl, filled with moon-blessed seawater and rose petals. Raw rose quartz. Rose incense burning away, a pillar of smoke coming from the tip. All sat upon my small wooden dresser made altar for Aphrodite.

As if in response to the offerings, a gentle breeze kissed my cheeks through the open window. It ruffled the snow-white curtains, perfuming the air with roses and jasmine and the sea. I couldn’t help but smile at the goddess’ possible approval of my gifts. After all, I had trekked down to the ocean last night for the water. A somewhat tedious journey as Cieloro is mostly cliffs and very little beach. And then I had made sure that it was placed in a spot so the moon would fully infuse it with her power.

But it was all worth it. Especially for today.

Especially if Aphrodite approved.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” I rushed to my small satchel that hung on a doorknob and pulled out a small jar of apple-blossom infused honey.

A sense of pride rushed through me as I placed it among the crystals. My intuition had been right. A smug smile fell onto my lips. I had just known that this honey would be a perfect gift for the goddess of love when I saw it in the marketplace. Sighing, I gazed through the window, embracing the warm summer air filling the room.

7 responses to “PW2021 YA #36: DIVINE RUIN (Romantic Fantasy)”

  1. Masha Gunic says:

    I would love to see this! Please send me your query and full manuscript to masha@azantianlitagency.com with “Pitch Wars” in the subject line. If any other agents from ALA request this as well, please send to one of us at a time at your choice.

  2. Kurestin Armada says:

    Hello, and congrats on completing Pitch Wars! I absolutely love the concept here already. Please do send the full manuscript + a synopsis attached as word docs to my attention at submissions (at) rootliterary (dot) com, with Pitch Wars in the subject line. If any of my colleagues also request, feel free to pick one of us or just mention us all and we’ll sort it on our end. Cheers, Kurestin Armada @ Root Literary

  3. Elizabeth Bewley says:

    I would be excited to read your manuscript! Can you please email me your query + the full MS as a Word doc attachment to ebewley@sll.com? Please mentioned Pitch Wars in your subject line.

  4. Laura Stone says:

    Hi, I’d like to see more. Please go to http://blueridgeagency.com/LauraStone.html and complete the submission process. This will include a query letter, a full synopsis (all major points and the ending), and the first three chapters. Ensure your chapters are formatted with 12 point Times New Roman, double spaced, with indented paragraphs. Please state in the query letter that I requested the submission through Pitch Wars.

  5. Caitlin White says:

    Hi Abbey!! Your pitch completely captured my attention because I have been obsessed with Greek mythology since my 6th grade teacher first introduced it to me. Then, I saw your book aesthetic on twitter and was 100% sold on all the soft pink (I say, typing from my pink computer!). I would be so happy to read your full manuscript, so if you’re interested, you can send it to my special QueryManager page here: https://querymanager.com/query/caitlinwhite/PitchWars

    I’m Caitlin from Emerald City Literary Agency and you can see more about me on Twitter @caitforestell. If more than one ELCA agent comments, you can send to any or all, and if more than one of us falls in love, we will work that out on our end! Thank you and congratulations!!

  6. Christa Heschke says:

    Hi Abbey!

    This is SO intriguing! My assistant and I would love to read on. Please send us your query, synopsis, and full manuscript via Query Manager at this link: QueryManager.com/christa_heschke/PitchWars2122

    Thank you!
    -Christa Heschke, McIntosh & Otis

  7. Lee OBrien says:

    Hi Abbey,

    I would love to read this! Could you send the query and full MS to lee.queries@irenegoodman.com, with Pitch Wars in the subject line?

    If more than one IGLA agent requests your work, please only send to one of us at a time—if they pass, you’re welcome to reach out to another!
