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Pitch Wars Showcase

Please note: These are the entries for the Pitch Wars season beginning in 2021 and continuing through 2022. Please note that our Agent Showcase ends at 9:00 p.m. ET on Monday, February 14, 2022. Agents will not be able to leave comments requesting material after that time.
PW2019 YA #08: MONSTERS GREAT AND SMALL (Paranormal Fantasy)
Kat Hillis
Mentored by:
ST Sterlings
Book Title:
2019 Entries
Paranormal Fantasy
Word Count:



Leo has big plans for his first summer as a vampire: travel abroad, hunt cryptids with friends, and don’t get caught. Then a teen monster-hunter drives a wooden stake through his heart, threatening to ruin more than Leo’s favorite t-shirt. The hunter is determined to learn how to kill Leo. Leo is desperate to keep his friends in the dark, which means pretending to date the disgruntled boy who wants him dead.



The swamp was halfheartedly trying to drown Leo, which wasn’t in the plan.

His bullet journal, nestled in his messenger bag beside a bottle of coconut water and his pills, detailed everything he thought he needed to know for the next two months. Locations, filming schedules, reservations for various hotels and campgrounds. All the research he’d compiled about the cryptids they hunted.

But he hadn’t considered his wardrobe past what would look good on camera. Now here they were, miles from civilization, and the hot, sticky air threatened to choke him with the smell of stagnant water and decay. Worst of all, the mud tried to steal his bright purple Chucks with every step.

“Told you so.” James Pruitt fiddled with his camera. “Shoulda worn boots.”

“Aye, rub it in.” Leo tiptoed to a drier part of the path. “Maybe tomorrow I’ll buy some of those rubber pants that come up to my waist.”

Not that he could afford them, these days.

“You mean waders?” James snickered. “I’d pay to see you in those.”

Leo didn’t bother responding. He couldn’t think past the cacophony of insects, so loud it threatened to drown out the sound of James’s heartbeat. This was his first time in a swamp. His first time in South Carolina, or any Carolina.

21 responses to “PW2019 YA #08: MONSTERS GREAT AND SMALL (Paranormal Fantasy)”

  1. Tara Gilbert says:

    I love this so much. Please use the link below to submit the full along with a synopsis and query letter.

    Thank you for considering me! If more than one Corvisiero agent shows interest, please choose one of us submit to and let them know who else liked the pitch, so that we can share it with each other.


  2. I’m on the hunt for more paranormal, and I love the swamp setting in this opening. If you could please send your query, full manuscript and a complete, detailed synopsis to hilaryquery@ktliterary.com with “Pitchwars: Your Title” in the subject field. Can’t wait to dive in!

  3. Rebecca Podos says:

    I cannot express how much I love the sound of this. Modern vampires? With bullet journals?? And fake dating?!?!

    I would LOVE to see the full of this at Rebecca@reesagency.com 🙂

  4. Brent Taylor says:

    This sounds like my dream book. I’d love to read the full manuscript—please send it as a word document to Brent(at)triadaus(dot)com.

  5. Melissa Edwards says:

    Hi Kat,

    I’m intrigued. I’d love to take a look! Please send the ms as a doc to medwards at stonesong dot com. Thanks!!

    All best,

  6. Beth Phelan says:

    A vampire with a bullet journal 👀

    please send the first 50 pages (word doc) to querybeth@galltzacker.com with your query letter in the body of the email and “pitch wars” in the subject line. looking forward to reading!

    <3 beth

  7. Claire Friedman says:

    Hi Kat! This is such a hilarious concept — I’m hooked! I’d love to read more. Please do send your query letter + first 50 pages to claire@inkwellmanagement.com — CF

  8. John Cusick says:

    This sounds amazing! I’d love to see more, please. Could you send your query and first three chapters to john [@] foliolit.com? Can’t wait to keep reading.

  9. Dana Murphy says:

    That comp combination! This is so in my wheelhouse. Please send the first 50pgs and a query letter to submissions@thebookgroup.com, with my name in the subject line and #PitchWars somewhere in the body of the email. Thank you and best of luck!

  10. Sandy Lu says:

    Hi Kat,

    You made me laugh, which is no easy feat! Please send the full manuscript with your bio and complete synopsis (all in one Word document) to sandy@lperkinsagency.com. I look forward to read more.

    Sandy Lu
    L. Perkins Agency

  11. Caitlen Rubino-Bradway says:

    I’d love to see more! Please send a full ms and synopsis to crubinobradway AT lkgagency DOT com.

  12. Melissa Nasson says:

    I’d love to see more of this! Please send the first 50 pages as a Word doc or PDF attachment to melissa@rpcontent.com with Pitch Wars in the subject line. Thank you!

    -Melissa Nasson, Rubin Pfeffer Content

  13. Laura Bradford says:

    This sounds so fun! Is he a coconut-water-drinking Vampire? Or has he not been turned yet? Can’t wait to find out!

    Please email me the full ms + synopsis and make a note in the subject line that this is a Pitch Wars entry. laura at bradfordlit dot com.

    Laura Bradford
    Bradford Literary Agency

  14. Kaitlyn Johnson says:

    I have been DYING to find a What We Do In The Shadows comp! I’d love to read the full. Please send to QueryMe.online/KaitlynJohnson/Contests. Looking forward to diving in!

    Kaitlyn Johnson
    Literary Agent
    Belcastro Literary Agency

  15. Hi Kat,

    MONSTERS GREAT AND SMALL sounds so good (and has a stellar title)! Vampires are looking to be big this year, and I am so here for it. Plus, even with this small excerpt, I can really feel Leo’s voice, which I love. If you think we’d be a good fit (you can find more about me and my tastes here: https://www.jdlit.com/savannah-brooks and here: https://www.manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/savannah-brooks/), head to http://queryme.online/1346 to submit more info and a 20-page sample. Be sure to put Pitch Wars 2020 in the referral section or as part of the title (ex: MONSTERS GREAT AND SMALL: Pitch Wars 2020).

    I’m looking forward to reading more!


  16. Laurel Symonds says:

    Hi! I’d love to see this. Please send a query and 25 pages to symondsqueries@thebentagency.com with “Pitch Wars” in the subject line. I’m looking forward to reading more!

  17. Kianna Shore says:

    Hi Kat!

    I am very interested in reading more about MONSTERS GREAT AND SMALL and would love if you could send me the full manuscript at your earliest convenience. My email is KiannaShore@ladderbird.com and if you could include “Pitch Wars 2020” in the subject line, I would appreciate it.

    Thank you!

  18. Em Lysaght says:

    This sounds fantastic, I would love to read more. Please submit your first three chapters, synopsis, and query letter (and remind me of your Pitchwars pitch in the query) at this link: http://queryme.online/emlysaght

  19. Amelia Appel says:

    Hi Kat,

    This sounds so fun! I’d love to see more of MONSTERS GREAT AND SMALL. Please send the full manuscript as a Word doc. attachment to amelia@triadaus.com, along with your pitch, full synopsis, and author bio pasted in the email. Please also put “PITCH WARS REQUEST – MONSTERS GREAT AND SMALL” in the subject line of the email so I can keep an eye out!

    Thanks so much, and I can’t wait to read!

    All best,

  20. Kerstin Wolf says:

    YES! Yes is all I can say to this! I would love to see the full manuscript of this! Please submit your full manuscript using this specific link: QueryMe.online/kerstinwolf/Pitch_Wars

  21. Kristin Nelson says:

    What a lovely opening! I’d be delighted to take a look at your full manuscript. I’ve created a special Pitch Wars link so you can send the manuscript my way.

    Query Manager Event Link

    Pls also include your query letter as the first page of your full manuscript to help orient me when I dive in for the longer read starting on the 11th.

    It’s also okay to send to more than one agent at NLA if you have received multiple requests. We’ll coordinate on our end.

    Congrats on being a part of Pitch Wars. I can’t wait to read.